

Address: 15100 Gulf Blvd, Madeira Beach, Florida 33708

Our Archibald Beach Access wedding location address is 15100 Gulf Blvd, Madeira Beach Florida 33708. At the present time a beach wedding permit is required at the Archibald Beach Access wedding site.

It is located across from the intersection of Gulf Boulevard and Madeira Way. With towering palms lining the parking lot out to the beach, fresh wooden decking around the 1930s-era Snack Shack, and new pay stations replacing the old meters, there’s not much evidence that Archibald Beach Park has been here for nearly 100 years.

It has a covered picnic area, restrooms, showers, and metered parking. You'll see a big log cabin, which used to be "The Snack Shack," back in the day.

The closest hotel is the New Marriott Hotel along the Intracoastal Waterway and a perfect place to stay.

The closest places to stay to this location are smaller motels.

Places to stay include: the Beach Flower Motel address is 14048 Gulf Blvd, Madeira Beach Florida 33708 and the Seaview Condominiums address is 14700 Gulf Blvd. Madeira Beach, Florida 33708

The parking for this location is paid, please remind your guests, most lots on the beach have an hourly rate - some are paid with credit cards and some with quarters.

Our wedding vendors for St Pete Beach Florida weddings will assist you with ideas and suggestions for your destination wedding plans.

Florida Sunset Beach Wedding and Madeira Beach are the perfect choice for your beach wedding ceremony.

Our wedding vendors at Florida Sunset Beach Wedding will assist you with ideas and suggestions for your destination wedding plans.

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